- Attend all classes as scheduled. No visitors or pets allowed at school.
- Be on time and prepared with the materials you need to participate in class.
- Be honest in your classes by doing your own work and not cheating.
- Treat everyone with respect while you are on campus.
- Demonstrate and model cultural sensitivity to all ethnic/gender groups. Harassment in any form will not be tolerated.
- Use appropriate language when speaking to others.
- Students must adhere to classroom rules regarding cell phone use.
- Improper use of social media by using it to bully, harass or otherwise threaten peers will result in suspension and possible withdrawal from Valley High. All social media platforms will fall under this rule.
- Smoking/vaping/e-cigarettes on campus are prohibited. Mods, vape pens, etc. will be confiscated and returned only to the student's parent or guardian. Students who are warned and continue to break this rule will be dropped from Valley High.
- Jordan School District Dress Code Policy will be enforced to help prepare students for the workplace. No gang clothing allowed including bandanas of any color; no clothing with drug, tobacco, alcohol insignias or inappropriate language. Shoes are required.
- Students who are on any school property unlawfully are subject to disciplinary sanction and/or citation for criminal trespass.